Friday, May 31, 2013

^ Date Like a Man: What Men Know About Dating and Are Afraid You'll Find Out

Do you get depressed every time a date turns out to be a dud?Are you devastated when you don't get "the call" from a guy you like? Do you constantly check your dates out for marriage potential? Chances are you're taking dating way too seriously. According to Myreah Moore

Date Like a Man: What Men Know About Dating and Are Afraid You'll Find Out

a mixed bag -- some good insight, some overgeneralization
The first half of this book provides a self-esteem pep talk and great insight into how men operate, and probably makes it worth the price. It explains how men often think and why some things that you make think are kind (giving him little gifts or paying for dinner) or innocuous (introducing him to your friends or family too soon) are actually scary to many men. The second half was a disappointment. It is filled with simplistic filler -- like lists of types of men & descriptions of each. For example, the "Jock" has "great sexual stamina" and "likes a screamer in bed." The "Nerd" "will go with you to flea markets" and has "kinky Star Trek fantasies", but, the author cautions, "don't bother with a Nerd if sex is vitally important to you". The author advises that take up sailing if you're looking for "Republicans and politically conservative men"; take up rock climbing if you like "high...

Date Like a Man: What Men Know About Dating and Are Afraid You'll Find Out is one of best selling in Dating category.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

>>> TextAppeal - For Guys!: The Ultimate Texting Guide

From the Author: Wouldn't you like to know:Why she text you so much before but now NOTHING??Why your multiple texts are killing the attraction? Why she is playing so hard to get? If she actually is interested in you? How to have her text you back immediately?How to safely fl

TextAppeal - For Guys!: The Ultimate Texting Guide

Short but well worth the price!!
I was a little skeptical about this book but bought it and read it in 2 days, took notes, reread (I needed help) and applied. It works, his advice while seeming at first read 'game'ish', works once applied. I'm a late 30's recently single guy and this book has paid for itself numerous times. He not only explains what to be texting but the psychology behind why you are texting it, like it or not, but once you have success with it you will like it. Well worth the price of a round of drinks you'd spend with some girl you have no chance with.
My first review, and I had to get off my iphone to give it.

TextAppeal - For Guys!: The Ultimate Texting Guide is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

^ Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment

“Harvey offers surprising insights into the male mentality and gives women strategies for taming that unruly beast.”—Philadelphia Inquirer“Women should listen to Steve Harvey when it comes to what a good man is about. Steve Harvey dispenses a lot of fabulous informat

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment

Don't take yourself so seriously!
I wanted to read; Act like a Lady Think like a Man out of knowing that Steve Harvey is a wonderful comedian and so much insight comes through looking life from the lighter side. I was not disappointed. I laughed, I learned and my heart opened. He explains that men want to, are trained to and are good at the 3 "P's" when it comes to loving their women. They profess their love; meaning, they tell the world. This is my Lady, my girlfriend, my wife and until they do that know that you are not his. That's the good know where you stand. Second "P": Protect: men will go out of their way to make sure that to the best of their ability the no harm comes to you. No one will talk down to you, nor will they even look like they want to harm you. He takes his job as protector seriously...if not, he's not yours and you are not his. Third "P", a man will Provide for the woman he loves and her/their offspring. He will make sure that all he has goes towards making sure she has what...

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment is one of best selling in Interpersonal Relations category.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

>> The Truth About Men Will Set You Free: The New Science of Love and Dating

This is a book for women who are looking to improve their dating experience. More effective dating happens by accepting, versus ignoring, our evolutionary design. Understanding our brain wiring and body reaction differences with men explains a lot. Ever wonder why you get s

The Truth About Men Will Set You Free: The New Science of Love and Dating

Same Info That Is In Her, "Getting To I Do" Book
I found the book to be extremely duplicative of one of her previous books. The, "Getting to I Do" book. All the same info in that book is in this one. Only it's arranged differently. This book also seems very disorganized. It's basically just saying that "nice guys" needs a lot of signals of interest in order to get up the courage to ask you out. (And many times, they will still chicken out!) And the #1 reason they want to go out with you is to have sex with you. Nasty, I know. But unfortunately, true a lot of the time. That's why it's important not to "give it up too soon". Make sure the guy can stand the test of time and actually get to know you. Instead of getting to know just the sex part of you. Men are visual and really don't care what we're saying, just how we appeal to them when we are saying it. That's why Pat Allen always says no sex without commitment. Because if he truly likes and cares for you, he will commit to you in order to have sex with you. Life...

The Truth About Men Will Set You Free: The New Science of Love and Dating is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

  • ISBN13: 9780982480809
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

Monday, May 27, 2013

~ Mars and Venus on a Date: A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship

Will I Ever Find My Soul Mate?Whether you are recently separated, divorced, or you have been in the singles scene for longer than you want, this insightful guide will help you navigate the dating maze and find that special person you've been waiting for.By discussing the dif

Mars and Venus on a Date: A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship

From a guy to other guys, read this book!
I'm a 50 something divorced guy, I'd never given thought to "stages of dating". I knew I felt different things as a relationship progressed, but had never been tried to pinpoint just what it all was about.

John Gray's 5 stages; attraction, uncertainty, exclusivity etc. and the need to do `em in order was spot on. It helped me label the emotions I feel and recognize when I'm letting my sweet daydreams intrude on reality in a new relationship.

The section on "elasticity" was also revealing. You know how a guy goes hot & cold on a relationship? JG explains that it's a process guys do to test their feelings for someone. We get close, then get unsure if she's the one, so we pull back. The revealing thing for guys is to figure out, after we've pulled back, are we happier with or without her, and then act on that feeling.

Those two thoughts alone are worth the price.

Mars and Venus on a Date: A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship is one of best selling in Dating category.

* A Man Worth Waiting For: How to Avoid a Bozo

Bestselling author Jackie Kendall believes that when you find the right man, you'll be incredibly glad you didn't settle for any of the Bozos you met along the way. Drawing on real-life stories that will have women laughing and crying in commiseration, Jackie explains how to

A Man Worth Waiting For: How to Avoid a Bozo

Moving beyond the Bozo!
Generally speaking, I don't enjoy reading "singles" books because a lot of them tend to be dopey but this book is incredible! I read it a few months ago and within the first few pages, I knew that the words in this book would have a major impact on my life. I was reading about Boaz and Jackie (the author) says that Boaz's are out there, but I was having a hard time believing that. So I kept reading and one day while I was driving I prayed, "Lord, she says that there is a Boaz out there but you have to show him to me because I don't know any!" Almost immediately He impressed upon me, "Why don't you think that I want this for you also? You must be patient and wait on Me." Again that night it was so clear..., "Don't you know that I want this for too? We're on the same team! Trust Me."
God has used this book to change me and to help solidify that I'm worth waiting for, that's it's worth waiting for my Boaz and that God and I are on the same side! Can I get an AMEN??? :)...

A Man Worth Waiting For: How to Avoid a Bozo is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

>>> Booby Trapped: Men Beware! The Dirty Seven Sisters: A Dating Guide for the 21st Century

The author teaches men to use their brains first to recognize the unsuitable mates who make up the Dirty Seven Sisters. To better illustrate each type, she includes celebrity examples, such as Angelina Jolie, Anna Nicole Smith, Brooke Shields, Cher, Dr. Laura, Jennifer Lopez

Booby Trapped: Men Beware! The Dirty Seven Sisters: A Dating Guide for the 21st Century

Required Reading for Young Men
This is a behavioral treatise on the modern woman, not a pyschological study of how she got that way. When you say she has "issues", she's "neurotic", she has "baggage", shes "insane", all of the "types" are neatly catagorized here for your enlightenment. Of course there's combos and overlap of each variety as she states.

My biggest disagreement with the author is saying this covers only about 10% of all females and if you "try hard enough" you'll find a decent woman within the remaining 90%. Well, you shouldn't have to try that hard if 9 out of 10 women are not a dirty sister. In my lengthy experience with the women of the world I would have say it's the other way around or 9 out of 10 are in some way dirty (by her definition) and you have to work VERY hard to find the "one".

Sorry ladies you're all in there. Exposed in all your wacky glory. The mature, mentally stable, intelligent, balanced, rational woman is an exception indeed. Me, my friends, my...

Booby Trapped: Men Beware! The Dirty Seven Sisters: A Dating Guide for the 21st Century is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

> If I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single?: Ten Strategies That Will Change Your Love Life Forever

Susan Page’s bestselling relationship book has been translated into 18 languages, is being read in more than 25 countries, and its mass-market edition has sold more than 158,000 copies. At the heart of this book are Page’s famed 10 strategies for readers to better self-u

If I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single?: Ten Strategies That Will Change Your Love Life Forever

Tired of crummy relationship books? Here's the cure.
I almost didn't pick up this book, due to its obnoxious title. What a misfortune that would have been for me. Recently divorced, I was confronted by a sea of tomes claiming that they could help me to find a lasting love. However, at the time, I was finishing a Ph.D. in psychology, and I could see that most of the popular books were actually filled with terrible advice--especially the advice to "settle" and accept that "you can't always have what you want" in love.

Today, I own a business in which I assist clients in finding and using research-based techniques to bring them a lifetime love, one they enthuse about and can't get enough of. Although I base much of my guidance of clients upon scientific research, it's also wonderful when I can locate that rare self-help book whose advice is worthwhile and is supported by the research. Many popular press books lead the reader astray, because they rely solely on the author's opinion...but my reading of...

If I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single?: Ten Strategies That Will Change Your Love Life Forever is one of best selling in Dating category.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

>>> The 5 Love Languages Men's Edition: The Secret to Love That Lasts

Husbands are commanded to love their wives. But do you know what really makes your wife feel loved? Are you tired of missed cues and confusing signals?Everyone has a primary love language-quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch. In Th

The 5 Love Languages Men's Edition: The Secret to Love That Lasts

If you haven't read his other books, read this. Otherwise skip it!
Like a couple of other reviewers I had read the original Five Love Languages. It is insightful and has helped me and my wife communicate much more effectively. If you haven't read that, then by all means buy this book. Unfortunately this book has hardly been changed from its original edition and I believe that there should be some sort of disclaimer. Luckily Amazon accepted the return (I purchased the Kindle edition) as I reported this to them within a day of purchase.

The 5 Love Languages Men's Edition: The Secret to Love That Lasts is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

^ Secrets of the A Game: How to Meet and Attract Women Anywhere, Anyplace, Anytime

A Master Pick-Up Artist reveals the new Secrets of Seduction Are you tired of going to bars and clubs to meet women and ending up sitting alone? Do you see attractive women you want to meet, but talk yourself out of approaching? Do you get nervous and forget what to say or

Secrets of the A Game: How to Meet and Attract Women Anywhere, Anyplace, Anytime

this guy's got it down. 4.5 stars
I have at this point read most of the book, but it seemed appropriate to write a feedback to add a little something more in case people are wondering whether they should buy it. After reading some great reviews on the product, and having read the MM manual, decided to check this one out. The modus operandi of this book or how you should go about "pick up" is very similar to Mystery's and I wouldn't be surprised to discover one day, he was a student of Mystery's, himself. With that said, this isn't simply a regurgitation of Mystery's idea and it seems that the author has a lot of direct experience with having picked up women and a lot of extra and useful information is here communicated, that ADDS to the whole social dynamic of interacting with women.

There is a lot of psychological gems on how women operate, and the author gives you a look into women's perspective on approach, and specially what women look for in a man approaching them. I specially like how the author goes...

Secrets of the A Game: How to Meet and Attract Women Anywhere, Anyplace, Anytime is one of best selling in Interpersonal Relations category.

  • ISBN13: 9780977650514
  • Notes: 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

>>> Confessions of a Middle-Aged Babe Magnet: One Man's Brave Adventure into Dating Again in the 21st Century

After his marriage ends, Chad Stone begins a middle-aged dating adventure in search of the last great love of his life. As he learns how to date all over again, he shares his dating discoveries that he calls "Babe Magnet Rules." Stone quickly discovers that his soul mate is

Confessions of a Middle-Aged Babe Magnet: One Man's Brave Adventure into Dating Again in the 21st Century

An Honest and Funny Read
Let's face it. Getting back into the dating scene after being married can be confusing, challenging, and sometimes laugh-out-loud funny. Confessions of a Middle-Aged Babe Magnet is a memoir about a 50-something guy who jumps back into the world of dating following his divorce. It is well-written and I read the whole thing in a few days.

By the end of the book, you will know Chad Stone's 92 "Babe Magnet Rules". These are not rigid, obnoxious rules, but rather a capsulation of experiences gained when Stone waded back into the dating pool. Some of these babe magnet rules are as equally applicable to men as they are to women (e.g., tips for dating with kids).

I appreciated the author's ability to weave a lot of humor throughout the book. I had a good laugh when Stone was describing some of the profiles from an online dating site (hello crazy cat ladies). The honest and tender tone kept me reading and hoping that the author would find "the one".

As a female...

Confessions of a Middle-Aged Babe Magnet: One Man's Brave Adventure into Dating Again in the 21st Century is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

^ Get Inside Her: Dirty Dating Tips & Secrets From A Woman

Guys, Discover Insider Dating Tips From A Woman: One night, I sat up late reading email after email from attractive, witty guys who were single and ready to date, and instead of being impressed and enraptured, I began to wonder what on earth was going wrong in the world. You

Get Inside Her: Dirty Dating Tips & Secrets From A Woman

Fine for the price, but kind of superficial
This PUA book is getting a lot of hype, so I thought I'd review it to give an honest perspective. As someone who has read a lot of these books, I have to say this one is not bad - for the price. I mean, for $3 as long as it's decent that's okay. It's similar to the also recently released How To Talk To Women: Unlock The Secrets To Effective Attraction, Flirting And Girlfriend Getting in that the book is over a hundred pages long, but could easily be made much shorter. This book is probably a little better than that one, though.

The best thing about the book is Marni, the author, seems like a pretty nice person. It helps she's a woman, and she clearly cares for her male clients who are struggling to meet girls. Her advice about having confidence, and other similar common sense values an attractive man should have, will...

Get Inside Her: Dirty Dating Tips & Secrets From A Woman is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

Monday, May 20, 2013

^ Online Dating For Men

1 in 5 new relationships now begin from an online dating site. Given that only a few short years ago this figure was zero, this is quite impressive. It is estimated that within a few years, the vast majority of new relationships will begin through meeting on an online dating

Online Dating For Men

Makes Complete Sense!
I loved it! I can see exactly why I've not been doing as good as I could have been and man am I kicking myself.

The book takes you behind the screen of an attractive female on and so you can see exactly what 99% of guys do on dating sites and I have to admit, I was one of them!

The book explains in detail the right and wrong kinds of photos to have on your profile. The kinds of photos that will put girls off, this will surprise you and the kinds that you should have to attract them, this will also surprise you, but when you think about it it makes complete sense.

You'll learn all about making a profile that's different from all the others and challenges the girls. No guy challenges girls on dating sites for fear of putting girls off. By playing things too safe, they actually put more girls off than if they were a little bit daring. The book explains this principle very well.

One of the best parts was seeing all the emails that his...

Online Dating For Men is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

>>> Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You'll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself!

Unleash Your Irresistibility! "Make Every Man Want You gives every woman the tools she needs to unlock her inner magnet."--Kelly Ripa Let's make one thing clear: this book is like no other dating book you've read. There are no rules, no list of things to do to land a husband

Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You'll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself!

Not Worth Your Time or Money
I read book reviews on amazon before I purchase books, in order to ensure that I am getting books that have helped the most people. I figure there's strength in numbers, in a manner of speaking. That's half the reason I ordered this book by Maria Forleo -- good reviews. The other half of the reason was the title: Make Every Man Want You. Who could resist a title like that? It was too intriguing to pass up! I wanted to know what these so-called secrets were.

Sadly, this was indeed a case of GREAT marketing... way too great. The title completely oversold the book. What I expected to read was a helpful guide overviewing some of the pitfalls that trip up women and make them self-sabotage on dates. What I found instead was a useless pep talk written by someone who honestly comes across as a 20-year-old college cheerleader. "You're so fabulous!!" and "You are an amazing, irresistable woman!" scream up at you from every page until you want to shake the book and throw it against...

Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You'll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself! is one of best selling in Dating category.

Friday, May 17, 2013

* Dating The Divorced Man: Sort Through the Baggage to Decide If He's Right for You

His ex-wife, kids, and alimony.... can you deal with his past?With today's skyrocketing divorce rate, it's likely that you will date a separated or divorced man. However, these men are not like the typical single bachelors you're used to dating. They come with numerous unexp

Dating The Divorced Man: Sort Through the Baggage to Decide If He's Right for You

Single in LA
I've read this book twice and I wanted to write a review because I found reading other women's experiences with a book and applying their personal situations to it very helpful. This book is not as breezy and whimsical as other self-help books on dating a "divorced/divorcing" man with kids, but it is very thorough, sympathetic and right on about a lot of things that we women go through (in my case, dating a "divorcing" man, which is the riskiest of them all!) Before I read the book, I was mostly confused, insecure, and frustrated about always coming second to his kids and his divorce; always waiting for the phone to ring and not sure whether I could have a weekend getaway or a holiday with my man. I wanted more - but felt I couldn't demand more because I didn't want to add more pressure in his life. And when I just didn't care and went on with my life (work, friends, hobbies and travels) I felt guilty! I felt I was abandoning him, during the time when he needed me the most. Wrong...

Dating The Divorced Man: Sort Through the Baggage to Decide If He's Right for You is one of best selling in Dating category.

^ The 30-Day Love Detox: Cleanse Yourself of Bad Boys, Cheaters, and Men Who Won't Commit -- And Find A Real Relationship

There is no question the terrain has changed. We can do what we want and date who we want, but do we have the tools to navigate our hard-won sexual freedom? Now, from the dating doyenne of the Sex and the City generation comes a groundbreaking prescription for smart, savvy,

The 30-Day Love Detox: Cleanse Yourself of Bad Boys, Cheaters, and Men Who Won't Commit -- And Find A Real Relationship

Revolutionary. I truly couldn't put this book down. Wendy is so fun to read, and so empowering!

She speaks TRUTH frankly, and gives credence to our deeper knowledge & intuition in a way that allows us to break from the cheap cultural lies that are ultimately destructive. She shares truly brilliant strategies for finding the love and companion of our lives.

It kind-of reminds me of the book, "He's Just Not that Into You," except that it goes much further in explaining WHY, and more importantly, how to FIND and CATCH a worthy man who IS into you.

The 30-Day Love Detox: Cleanse Yourself of Bad Boys, Cheaters, and Men Who Won't Commit -- And Find A Real Relationship is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

~ What Women Wish You Knew about Dating: A Single Guy's Guide to Romantic Relationships

Most books on romantic relationships focus on mate selection, marriage, and sexual purity. But before all that can happen, a guy has to get a date! What Women Wish You Knew about Dating equips men with the skills they need to begin dating. Author Stephen W. Simpson educates

What Women Wish You Knew about Dating: A Single Guy's Guide to Romantic Relationships

What Women Wish You Knew about Dating: A Single Guy's Guide to Romantic Relationships is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

  • ISBN13: 9780801068409
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

> The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them

The Manual is the ultimate and only guide to getting girls and to understand women once and for all. This is why guys that read it don't read or recommend anything else. Because the few men who "get it" spend the rest of their lives enjoying sexy girls in abundance – and s

The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them

What Women Want? Well..
Those who have seen the movie 'The Tourist' starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie, probably remember the train scene where the two meet for the first time.
Depp plays a seemingly very apologetic man (Frank) and Jolie a very attractive and elegant woman (Elise) as she has her reasons to make contact with Frank. She spots him as she walks through the railcar, sits down right across him and looks him straight in his eyes as he quickly closes his book and stops smoking

Frank: I'm sorry
Elise: What for?
An awkward silence follows and Frank laughs uncomfortably
Frank: Mind me smoking? It's not a real sigarette blablabla (explanatory nonsense)
Elise: That's somewhat disappointing
Frank: Would you rather have me smoking for real?
Elise: I would rather you'd be a man who did exactly as he pleased...... I'm Elise
Frank: I'm Frank
(the conversation continues until Elise suggests something
Elise: Ask me to dinner frank

The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them is one of best selling in Dating category.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

* Changing Your Game: A Man's Guide to Success with Women

Success with women is something any man can achieve. However, achieving this success isn't about tactics, games, or trolling bars to get women into the sack - it's about the right mindset. Men who succeed with women - whether for an evening or a lifetime - think differently

Changing Your Game: A Man's Guide to Success with Women

Different, Mature & For Men
There are many books about dating and relationships, for women. If you are a man, your choices are limited to the PUA ( pickup artist ) genre of books. Those books have some useful information in them, but most of the content tends toward an adolescent and sometimes misogynistic tone.

"Changing Your Game" is a dating book for men who are grown-ups.

Dr. Hartman, a psychologist, a dating coach and an author specializing in research based dating advice has written a dating book for men where you will not find two things. You will not find a cookbook of silly tricks for manipulating women. You will also not find an endless list of dating rules that offend your intelligence and that are out of touch with modern life.

Dr. Hartman starts the book, powerfully, with where success in dating also starts: with attitude. The advice is to work yourself into the habit of being a "problem solver" versus a "complainer". When faced with an issue, stew about it...

Changing Your Game: A Man's Guide to Success with Women is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

Monday, May 13, 2013

>>> From Shy To Social: The Shy Man's Guide to Personal & Dating Success

“Engaging, well-researched and frequently hilarious, From Shy To Social is one of those rare self-help books that feels like you're being coached and encouraged by a trusted friend. An absolute must-read for all of the love shy men out there.” - Sofi Papamarko, Relations

From Shy To Social: The Shy Man's Guide to Personal & Dating Success

Real hope for shy men to get dating for real.
This book is great. Not only is it very well written, I think it is one of the few books of it's kind in existence. Men are commonly left to initiate contact with women and make the first move in dating and relationships, but when you are shy this is far from easy. There are many books out there that give dating advice and tips on how to pick up women, but they are really not very useful to somebody who is extremely shy and nervous. There are many younger guys and older adult men who are so shy they find asking a woman out on a date isn't just difficult, it's so uncomfortable it can cause anxiety, not only ruining their chances to date the woman they are asking out, but also making them feel worse about themselves than they did before. The more bad experiences shy men have when trying to ask women out, the more discouraged they get, and this often makes them even more shy. This book targets shyness as one of the biggest obstacles preventing men from meeting and dating women. Rather...

From Shy To Social: The Shy Man's Guide to Personal & Dating Success is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.

^ 22 Things a Woman With Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know

Rudy Simone covers 22 common areas of confusion for someone dating a female with AS and includes advice from her own experience and from other partners in real relationships. She talks with humour and honesty about the quirks and sensitivities that you may come across when g

22 Things a Woman With Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know

Excellent Resource
I pre-ordered this book and read the whole thing within two days of receiving it. This is the book I've been waiting for for so long. My boyfriend has asked me before what parts of me are related to having AS and how AS in a woman is different from in a man (he has only ever known male spectrum people). I didn't know how to explain. And this book does it for me.

I highlighted it for every part that's relevant to me and gave it to him! He's such a good man for reading it and wanting to understand me better and learning how to help me when I am dealing with sensory problems or meltdowns.

I highly recommend this book for the girls themselves who are on the spectrum as well as their partners. It's short, easy to read, and full of good information divided into convenient sections.

22 Things a Woman With Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know is one of best selling in Love & Romance category.